arthropods - Eine Übersicht

Snakeheads are air-breathing freshwater fishes that are not native to North America. In scientific terms, snakeheads are divided into two distinct genera:

Snakeheads get their name from their flattened shape and the scales on their head which are similar to those of most snakes.

Step into the multi-legged world of these crawling creatures and learn how important they are to our environment.

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Snakeheads aren’t prolific swimmers but are capable of swift bursts of acceleration. They are also extremely powerful fish and can easily knock over aquarium decorations. Snakeheads also prefer aquariums with plenty of plant cover and hiding places.

Snakeheads are also able to breathe surface air and should Beryllium kept hinein aquariums with plenty of surface space. This ability to breathe surface air enables snakeheads to survive in sometimes trying water conditions with extremely low oxygen content.

Certain insect groups are highly social. Termites and many species of Hymenoptera (ants, wasps, and bees) are eusocial , meaning that their colonies include a caste arthropods (a Teilbereich of the Fortpflanzungsgemeinschaft) that reproduces as well as a large number of individuals that do not. The evolution of nonreproductive species seems to Positur a problem because it appears to defy natural selection, which emphasizes the production of offspring. However, direct reproduction is not the only way for an individual to pass on its genes.

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The class Pycnogonida consists of the sea spiders. There are 2,000 described species, all of which are marine. Most species are fairly small. Like spiders, they have small bodies with long legs. They use an extensible proboscis to suck nutrients from the bodies of soft invertebrates.

Some do not require a strong trigger to breed, while others require a period of cooling, followed by a rise in temperature to simulate changing of seasons. Some brood their eggs orally while others utilise bubble nests. 

Although excellent as a protective covering the exoskeleton is relatively heavy. With increase in size the exoskeleton becomes proportionately heavier and imposes a size limit on terrestrial arthropods and, more significantly, on flying species.  

Snakeheads are a large species of tropical fish popular among more experienced aquarists. Snakeheads get their name from their flattened shape and the scales on their head which are similar to those of most snakes.

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